You can now pay your insurance premium using Automatic Payment. Using Automatic Payment is safe, efficient, and consumer friendly. Banking laws protect consumers from ever having to worry about someone taking money from their account using Automatic Payment in an unauthorized manner. By using Automatic Payment, you can elect to have your insurance premium withdrawn from your savings or checking account annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly. Automatic Payment will cut down on postage, check printing fees and gas as no need to drive to mail or bring your payment in. To get started just fill out the Direct Payment Authorization Form printed below. Then mail or bring it to the office along with a voided check from your bank account. Banking rules require your approval to collect monthly payments in this manner. The approval is active until you notify us to stop using Automatic Payment. If you have any questions, please stop in or call us.
Please complete this form and return it so we can set up your Automatic Payment.